Steve - Peace be with you! Before we announce the next novena, we wanted to share some answered prayers with you from the St. Michael the Archangel Novena. We love to read through and share these with you because they're such a great reminder that God is working through our prayers, even when we might not see it. We hope that some of these renew your hope as you continue to pray for your personal intentions -- we are praying for you every day! And with Lent beginning in just 8 days, sign up here if you'd like to join us for the Pray More Lenten Retreat. It begins on Ash Wednesday.
Answered Prayers from the St. Michael the Archangel Novena: "During this Novena I was praying that a path would be shown to my son who is trying to find his way. He received his first step! I am blown away…praise God, thank you St. Michael." -- Lisa "During the St. Michael Novena, God opened my eyes to the fact that I needed to be the one to begin to reconcile a struggling relationship. He gave me the courage to have a difficult conversation with a friend and ask forgiveness for my part in the struggle, and it turns out my friend was feeling the same way. Our relationship has been blessed and we will be closer than we have ever been and it has already led to healing and blossoming in other relationships in our families as well. I’m so thankful for St. Michael’s intercession. I never dreamed this relationship could turn around and be so blessed!" -- KS "We give God all the glory, and acknowledge St Michael intercession for the miraculous healing of a family friend’s son who had a seizure and was in the ICU for days. Thank God, he’s very well, without side effects, and has since returned to School. The other two petitions have been partly answered, I'm still waiting on the Lord to complete the good works He has started. Much appreciation to all the team praying." -- RS "Thank you, St Michael for your intercession. At the time that my son was in his greatest need financially -- couldn’t pay his utility bills and grocery bills, he then got an opportunity to work for an event. To his surprise, they paid him a lot more than what he asked for, and his tips were plenty. I was so moved to see how our good Lord came to intervene and save my son and me from the worry an anxiety that we had been carrying." -- PLA "Each and every Novena gives me a "lift" in life! Yes there are specific prayers I request (cure of cancer, good health, foremost – faith & trust in God, etc), however, some of my petitions are ‘long term’ and are in God’s time! Prayerfully, I will be able to continue to see God’s will and ‘Let Go & Let God’ more in my life. Thanks so much for the opportunity to Pray these Novenas and may God continue to bless our endeavors!" -- Delmar "Thank you St. Michael for helping my husband pass his driving test and for helping us pay our bills, and for protection & the unseen answers to my prayers. Thank you to all those who prayed for us with this novena as well. I pray for everyone’s intentions as well." -- Evvie "I prayed that my cancer would not spread and I wouldn’t need surgery yet. Rare cancer. Yesterday my Oncologist told me that after this period of time since diagnosis, they were expecting my scans to show bigger and more tumors. To their surprise and mine, that was NOT the case! They couldn’t explain why. But I know why. Thank you, St. Michael the Archangel." -- Barbara ----------------------------- If you have any answered prayers from the St. Michael the Archangel Novena, you can share those here. We're praying for you. God bless you! John-Paul & Annie - If these novena emails have been a blessing to you please make a small donation to keep this prayer service running here. |
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